- raising chickens
- seed saving
- cbd oil expert
- gardening
I love gardening, animals and self sufficiency!
I worked as a LVT for 20 yrs now I teach gardening and seed saving. Wildlife rehabber for 15yrs and owner of Happyshackoils.com.
Started our local seed library called
WNYseedlibrary can be found on fb
Website designer
Brighteon Channel
Member since Sep 2020
- raising chickens
- seed saving
- cbd oil expert
- gardening
I love gardening, animals and self sufficiency!
I worked as a LVT for 20 yrs now I teach gardening and seed saving. Wildlife rehabber for 15yrs and owner of Happyshackoils.com.
Started our local seed library called
WNYseedlibrary can be found on fb
Website designer
Brighteon Channel
Member since Sep 2020