Welcome to The GOAT Farm. We're a small family-owned goat farm that makes and sells natural skincare products. Our goal is to bring our rural Alabamian farm to your home with our quality and affordable skincare products.
Real. Simple.
Follow us on Gab (https://gab.com/TheGOATFarm), MeWe (https://mewe.com/i/goatfarm), and Truth Social (https://truthsocial.com/@TheGOATFarm). You won't find us on Facebook, Instagram, or any other "woke" social media site.
Our 3-Pack Essential Oil Body Butter Bundle includes one of each of the following 6 oz. body butters: Botanical Garden, Sweet Clove, and Country Lavender.
These whipped, ultra-moisturizing essential oil body butters provides long-lasting hydration and skin-loving benefits that will leave your skin looking and feeling softer, smoother, and healthier! You will never want to go back to chemical-packed commercial skincare products again.
You can make this bundle into a gift by selecting the GIFT BOX option.
3-Pack Essential Oil Body Butter Bundle (18 oz.) $31.99: https://www.thegoatfarmskincare.com/product/3-pack-essential-oil-body-butter-bundle-18-oz-/62
#brighteon #paralleleconomy #skincare #bodybutter #affordableskincare #essentialoils #pureessentialoils #natural #bundle