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FDNP HHP. Natural - functional health practitioner and consultant who can help You increase your energy, your quality of life, and feel better. My holistic, 360-degree approach to wellness brings You, the client, a rich experience that provides not only answers and solutions to your health struggles but also a comprehensive lifestyle education that carries You into a vital life beyond your initial program.
Alt.Country,Blues Singer/Songwriter from Fairmont WV writes music of a life spent on Backroads,Back Alley’s and The Spiritual Wilderness His music is like life it comes at you hard with a little easy now and then
I am the blessed mother of six, Nana of three, and married to my best friend since 1986. I love science and history, homeschooled our children through high school graduation, and taught in a home school hybrid academy for 19 years. I practiced Physical Therapy for several years before home schooling and have since earned an M.Ed. from Liberty University. I'm looking to my Father God to direct my steps going forward as He has done in the past. Soli Deo Gloria!
These UFO videos are taken on the Downeast coast of Maine, with readily available high speed video cameras that are sensitive to infra-red (IR) light. It appears they are somehow "cloaked", stealthily and regularly traveling in our skies.
Humanity needs full disclosure of the ET presence, and soon! You can help expedite it. Watching the following video is what got me started.
Watch, learn, and do this yourself. Overwhelm them with evidence.