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I am a child of God.
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I am near 60 in age. I feel we are being attacked. My health is attributed to alternative methods and supplements. I filed and fought in several states court family and civil. I’ve seen many drop dead to an early grave listening to their Dr’s. I found in business corporations are to often conducted contradictory to any decent ethics. And in conflict with the Constitution. Fair is fair and liars are theives. 🇺🇸 In God We Trust.
Notre approche est didactique et se veut une entrée de bouche pour les indécis concernant « la plandémie ».
Nous valorisons la satire, la déconnade, l’ironie, l’humour, la parodie, le gag pour rigoler, nous nous informons pour dominer nos peurs et nous passons à l’action citoyenne et pacifique 🙂
Unissons-nous dans l’amour et la bienveillance pour un éveil planétaire dans la lumière de la vérité
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My name is Kevin Hennings. I am a US Marine with Stage 4 colorectal cancer. After 3 years of non-stop treatment at a leading cancer institution, it was determined that the treatment wasn't working and I should go home in preparation of Hospice. After a considerable amount of research, I took a leap of faith and began taking a specific group of over-the-counter supplements and repurposed medicines. I have been NED (No Evidence of Disease) approaching 2 years and feeling great. This is my journey.
US Army Veteran