I'm an ardent conservative and love world travel. My last trip took me to Kyiv and Chernobyl where I spent two days in the exclusion zone. When I was getting settled in my hotel, large protest was going on against George Soros. I studied at the Institute of World Politics. Pure Blood - Sigma
Whole Foods Paycheck is Made in China. (1 min)
Join: @davidavocadowolfe
@Patriot_PDkhov @maryk Go to farmmatch.com and you can enter your zip code and then a list of the Amish or regenerative farmers are in your area. Most of them will ship. I buy from Pleasant Pastures…a large Amish farm co-op out of Lancaster, PA. I’ve been buying from them for over two years and think they are a true GOD send. I know how my food is raised/grown. Vegetables and fruits are picked within three days of delivery. I know my meats will not have had shots, you know they don’t use soy, GMO, no glyphosate, no herbicides. When you know the government has half a million dollars in the national budget for putting vaccines into vegetables, you will really appreciate these wonderful people, their ethics and standards!!! I’ve sent packages to family and friends in other parts of the country…they are packed in such a way that you can ship eggs and they arrive in perfect condition!!! I hope this is a help
@Patriot_PDkhov @maryk When the train derailment happened in Ohio, My farm sent out a letter telling us that they were on a different water table than the Ohio area and they were safe. I believe this farm co-op grows a lot of the vegetables in large hot houses, which is great to cut down on chem trails. I have come to believe, that people like us, are doing everything we can to stay and keep our families healthy. I think we are fighting a large drawn out battle. I guess to a certain degree look what they have done to the pork industry...so many of the processors (like Smithfield) have been sold to the Chinese. Everyday we get a new threat and have to figure out the newest info, and how do we deal with the new info. Don't forget when buying chicken in grocery stores, make sure on the outside of the package that it says 'born, raised, and harvested in USA' (I know Tyson says this on their packages), this is to make sure you are not getting Gate's fake meat. FL already banned it and he is trying to sue the state to let it in. I understand what you mean about the prices of buying from the Amish, veggies aren't too bad price wise and I load up on them and prep them for the freezer. I love it when the purple potatoes and purple asparagus come in!!! The meats from the farm tends to be on the lean side because they are NOT giving them hormones. I buy a lot of salmon from them both in portions and the salmon burgers. The dairy is what always is my downfall