Naturalized LEGAL American Citizen and proud wife of a former Army Ranger/Desert Storm Veteran
Like my husband, I also swore the oath... "that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic"...
and for both of us this oath has NO expiration date!
So...30K watched Ol' Joe's president's day address. 1K Likes, 4.1K DISlikes
Now.check THIS out! RSBN live-streamed 3+ hrs of the President's Day Celebration that was impromptu organized for OUR President Trump down in West Palm Beach
Hah!! Libturds East Your Hearts Out! Nearly a MILLION views, 81K Likes, and that's not even counting the awesome number of Patriots who showed up to celebrate OUR President Donald J. Trump!
LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!! LOVE IT!!! (watching the re-run on YT right now)