I’m a California girl in location only (my heart & beliefs are not welcomed by most here). I’m blessed to be a wife (to a God fearing, honorable, sexy therapist) and mom of four amazing kiddos (one of whom I have to wait for heaven to see again). I pray God will be glorified in and through me!
I received this photo from my sister today...the dear women in the this picture is one of my all time favorite Christian singers. Her honest lyrics have touch me deeply, at times have caused my heart to turn back to Christ & encouraged me to obey Him!
I would love to believe that IF she knew about the use of aborted baby cells, IF she knew about the corruption, IF she knew this experiment was liability free, she might have asked God to help her w/the fear but stayed FAR away from the shot.
@Ashortstory I hear you. I know PhD educated Christian women who were supporters of Hillary Clinton - and I could not understand them voting on a pro-abortion DNC platform for one of the most corrupt politicians in history.
@Ashortstory So sad. My Brother-In-Law went to Seminary school years ago but never used it after graduation. He was telling me he will be getting the shot and I did mention the aborted Baby cells and his reply was that they weren't from any recent abortion and had been diluted throughout the years. I pointed out that a grain of cyanide or an ounce of cyanide is still cyanide. I just do not get the thought process on how seemingly educated people rush to get a non FDA approved jab. Again, sad.
@Ashortstory I too am shocked at the Christians I know and have looked up to who have taken the jab. I’m always a little sad when I see them brag about getting it. I’m also surprised at the number of highly educated people who conduct their own human subject research that are getting jabbed.