CDC Head Warns In Uptick Of COVID-19 Cases!
@Brighteon May I suggest the #ZelenkoProtocol? Last yr I read Dr. Z's tweets as he wrote of his tx plan; it works both as prophylaxis and tx:
Zelenko Protocol Treatment Plan for Patients with Covid-19 symptoms Prehospital Management

Zelenko Protocol Treatment Plan for Patients with Covid-19 symptoms Prehospital Management Dr. Vladimir Zelenko Website: Vladimirzelenkomd.com Fundamental Principles Treat patients based on clinical…
docs.google.com@Brighteon That is, using the #ZelenkoProtocol tx models, IF you start tx soon enough, between 1-5 days upon recognizing URI sx, you can tx yourself using OTCs & supplements. It works here. Here, we also add Fire Cider (there's many recipe variations online; IMO, start w the basic recipe).