Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 15, 2024 – THE CHURCH HAS FALLEN – Mike Adams calls out Christian churches that push TOXIC JABS and GENOCIDE
@Brighteon The problem is that you don't understand the beginning of the bible old testament. The Jews after having wandered around for 40 years lost supposedly about 40 miles from actual Palestine it's not far from Egypt and there is no evidence of Jews ever having been in Egypt and no mention of anything Egyptian in the old testament such as pyramids etc. In any event the lost not Jews cos the word didn't exist until hundreds of years later were supposedly told by God to kill every man woman and child in Palestine and they did it is written in great detail how they spared no one and nothing. Christians to this day take this to mean that God told them to do this because the others were wicked and deserved it hence from that you have the justification for the killing of anyone you deem ungodly duh much like the Jews are doing right now. The only problem is Jesus said over and over that the Jews were the synagogue of Satan so Christians work that one out why don't you. The Jews are evil and always have been Jesus knew it and died by them because he knew it.
@Brighteon read Joel ch 3 Zechariah ch 2 ,12-14, Ezekiel 36 -39, for starters about who Isreal is and God's covenant with them.