#GodWins #PatriotsUnite Psalm 70 for the evil one, all of his and his minions’s plans
John 3:16 + Romans 10:9,10 to be saved. #IStandWithTrump
Disgusting, sad, and sickening. #EnoughIsEnough #SaveOurChildren Hello parents! children are not lab rats for big pharma to take in more
billions on an EXPERIMENTAL JAB But we do know that 18 months after the onset of this terrible “outbreak” that 99.9% of us recover from, and children at least at risk! How about our inate GOD GIVEN immune system? Studies have shown that #NaturalImmunity #NoMandates #HealthFreedom #CivilRights #GodGivenRights #CrimesAgainstHumanity

This is truly pure evil. Pfizer was given the go-ahead this week from the CDC to give the experimental COVID vaccine to children. Children have a greater chance of drowning, dying in a car wreck or dying…
The Gateway Pundit