Christian Conservative, white female, married with children - love Jesus, love America - living in the beautiful hell hole called Washington State. Stable genius. ;)
Get the Message you DemonRat hypocrites - REMINDER: For Years Democrats and the Far Left Media Called for Violence and Murder of Donald Trump — They Need to Shut Up Already About Violent Trump Supporters - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/01/reminder-years-democrats-far-left-media-called-violence-murder-donald-trump-need-shut-already-violent-trump-supporters/

For YEARS Democrats and far left thought leaders called for violence and murder against President Trump, his family, and his supporters. They weren’t shy about it. And their supporters loved and cheered…
The Gateway PunditNo kidding! I have been on all the right wing social media platforms except Twitter and I honestly have NEVER seen people, as a whole, condone violence or try to organize violence. I've only seen that by Antifa and BLM. Case in point, they have to manufacture violent patriots.