Patriot, Lover of Country, New to Brighteon Social
We just launched a new product. Very delicious. Great for the cold weather. It's a powder that you mix with water to make a delicious cacao drink.
We combined organic cacao (lab tested of course) with low-glycemic palm sugar, energizing MACA root and SEVEN functional mushrooms. It's called Cocoa Energize. All organic, all lab-verified.
You can read the details here. It's available as of today:
Groovy Bee Organic Cocoa Energize is a specially formulated powder blend that allows you to experience the combined potency and nutritional goodness of organic cocoa powder, organic maca root powder and…
cocoaenergize.healthrangerstore.comAwesome. I just bought a book on your website as well as kidney flush and cupping. I love it.