@Maria47aKowi Yes I watched her also and yes she was funny at times but she was only acting. She was playing a fictional character. There's a saying now that the truth is stranger than fiction and AMEN to that. I understand your thought on it pays the bills but morally if my job meant to spew lies and deceit and against our brothers and sisters of the world I myself would have to decline because I have a soul. That thing doesn't and probably didn't when we thought she was funny. This is unprecedented times and to be quit honest I for one am sick of it. Thank you for your reply.
@DianaLynn01 Well, we've no idea what actresses and commentators really think. We can only opine. At her age, in her 70s I think, she's lucky to still be working in a field she likes. Oh, well. We can ignore her and the dippy daytime show. They never manage to solve things well enough but they sure do cause consternation and dissension, which is good for them to keep their name in the news (smh). Have a good day.
@Maria47aKowi you have a good day Also!