Pureblood In Christ Jesus
My pronouns are - pyoo͝r′blŭd ən ˈkrīst ˈjē-zəs
This is an interview with a former Ukrainian member of parliament who worked closely with the former President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, and the owner of Burisma, Zlochevsky. He turned whistleblower.
He claims he was set to testify in the United States but that Joe Biden had his visa cancelled.
He alleges (with recorded audio), that Poroshenko would open investigations into corrupt Ukrainian companies and then shake them down. Zlochevsky was paying then President Poroshenko 1 million a month in the form of natural gas. Poroshenko owned his own gas company.
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Zlochevsky smartened up and added Hunter Biden and the former President of Poland to the board of Burisma as a way to protect against Poroshenko's investigations. With Joe Biden's help they eventually forced Poroshenko to get rid of his prosecutor that had the dirt on Burisma and to bring in someone to close the investigations.
He alleges that everything works on bribes, that even members of Parliament charge money for their votes. We should not be sending this corrupt country one single dollar.

“This is an interview with a former Ukrainian member of parliament who worked closely with the former President of Ukraine, Poroshenko, and the owner of Burisma, Zlochevsky. He turned whistleblower. He…