Pureblood In Christ Jesus
My pronouns are - pyoo͝r′blŭd ən ˈkrīst ˈjē-zəs
Member since Oct 2021
So the guy running the show in Maui is the same guy who ran the show during the "Vegas massacre"…
Yep! Maui's "new" Police Chief John Pelletier was also the Las Vegas Police Commander presiding over the cover-up of the Las Vegas massacre on October 1, 2017. What are the odds?
Here's the kicker, the guy is a federal agent with top secret clearance…

New Police Chief Wants To Import Successful Las Vegas Programs To Maui
John Pelletier wants to use community policing programs and revamping oversight of use-of-force incidents to improve relations in Maui.
Honolulu Civil Beat