Pureblood In Christ Jesus
My pronouns are - pyoo͝r′blŭd ən ˈkrīst ˈjē-zəs
Member since Oct 2021
THE BEAST SYSTEM RISES, heck it's already here...
Tech to read your mind, probe your memories is already here, has been for a long time. They're just now letting you know little bits and pieces. The tech has always been in our smartphones and devices, and is now already coursing through our bloodstreams in the form of nanobots using WBAN (Wide BODY Area Network) connected to "the internet of things" controlled by A.I.. We are ALL nodes on the net now and can be controlled and influenced at any given time remotely!

Tech that aims to read your mind and probe your memories is already here
We need new rules to protect our cognitive liberty, says futurist and legal ethicist Nita Farahany.