Please Note: My wife is not always available to proof-read my posts; I am visually impaired. I type from memory. It's why I'm not more interactive with others...However --I can still see BS, when I smell it. I have RP (retinitis pigmentosa) Not much vision left. Forgive my blunders. PS:The painting displayed on my page is one I painted for my wife in 1984. (just one of many out there in the world) I miss my vision. God Bless, all... Eldon.
I don't care what anyone says. Our Forefathers did NOT have USAID so that enemy countries wouldn't take over the voids left by not having US money filtered in. We're still having wars and countries infiltrating regardless of USAID. It's a BS laundering scam. PERIOD. And talk about infiltrating, America has been infiltrated. So don't give me the necessity of USAID story.
@seriously --Yes. A money-laundering scheme; put in place by satanic despots. --Silly bitches...Thought we world never see the.