Please Note: My wife is not always available to proof-read my posts; I am visually impaired. I type from memory. It's why I'm not more interactive with others...However --I can still see BS, when I smell it. I have RP (retinitis pigmentosa) Not much vision left. Forgive my blunders. PS:The painting displayed on my page is one I painted for my wife in 1984. (just one of many out there in the world) I miss my vision. God Bless, all... Eldon.
Member since May 2022
--Hey!... I have an imagination --And I use it. (nothing would surprise me from these evil bastards)
--@ gd: Yeah, the entire Planet is inundated with this practice. I am eternally suspicious of evil-doers. Could this be a back-up plan to hold the world hostage...? Could be, IMO...