Our relationship to God:
Someone posited the thought that perhaps “we are Jesus”?
And, some else added, “whenever you fed one of these, the least of my brethren, you fed me”.
Scripture conveys the thought that Jesus is the “head” of a body. The head is a real, living person in Heaven, while the body is both in Heaven and on Earth (Theme of Colossians).
One must be very careful in stating thoughts here…..as cults are formed by misunderstanding Bible truth on this matter. Gnosticism is one.
I can give all the references for the Bible Truth above?
Or…..if you really would like to understand…..read the Church Epistles
Romans - doctrine
1/2 Corinthians - problem
Galatians - remedial
Ephesians - doctrine
Philippians - problem
Colossians - remedial
1/2 Thessalonians - doctrine
Nobody had a clue about much of this until Jesus (after death, burial, resurrection) had Apostle Paul record answers to spiritual things to His Body (the Church, His Bride)…..thus washing her