The Great Danites of the Tribe of Dan (1400's BC)
The Danites had previously established all of the trade and water routes. The Shardana, a Danite Tribe, ruled in the trading hub, Corsica. Over the centuries, the numerous Danite Tribes rubbed shoulders with many cultures, and became very skilled seamen and highly educated engineers, architects, and legal scholars. Danites learned from the centuries that if you live in your ships you won’t be attacked by the kings. Years later, Herodotus described the ancestors of Dorian as princes from Egypt.
Alexander the Great came from Luke, a Macedonian Danite. The Macedonians were referred to as Argives, or old Greeks. Alexander understood his Israelite heritage, and always showed great respect for the Hebrews he encountered in his conquests across southern Europe and into Asia.
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