Brighteon Broadcast News, June 7, 2024 – Vaccine spike proteins, fibrous CLOTS and radiation fallout BINARY weapon systems deployed worldwide
- New film "Protocol 7" and news on Germany's war plans with #Russia. (0:03)
- #Nanotechnology in #vaccines, and the patents of Dr. Charles Lieber. (15:37)
- Using vaccines+radiation to exterminate European men through low-yield nuclear war. (37:34)
- Food sustainability and financial asset protection in a time of crisis. (47:44)
- Financial gradualism vs catastrophism: Why currency collapse always takes people by surprise. (52:50)
- Interview with Andy Wakefield, creator of the new film "Protocol 7". (1:09:34)
- Vaccine efficacy and safety in the film industry. (1:16:43)
- Filmmaking, actors, and vaccine mandates. (1:26:49)
- A documentary film about Merck's alleged fraud, legal risks, and potential impact. (1:37:32)
- The #autism crisis worsens due to vaccine damage. (1:41:32)
- The use of profanity in film and its relationship to real-life stress and neurological damage. (1:47:17)
- How vaccines have destroyed US military readiness and made America weaker. (1:57:42)
@HealthRanger photos of said adapters needed to plug phone into ethernet and also charge your phone at the same time. Ps you plug the ethernet into the audio socket on adapter and the other one is for charging, it works fine don't get confused by it saying audio it just means non charging part that's all.