Called of God to be redeemed and to stand in this last great spiritual battle by the blood of Yeshua (Jesus) and the word of my testimony, by the grace of God.
Regardless of all that this new computer facilitated intelligence can do and as genuinely frightening as soulless overlords are, which it will be, this intelligence will never ever have the dynamic powerful Spirit of God.
As evidence I present the 144,000 sealed remnant of the twelve tribes of Israel, minus Dan, who will be sealed for the duration of the madness that comes with this Beast system.
Whatever we, as believers in Christ- the 'soon' returning Messiah- may disagree on, let us be fervent in our prayers, sealing our relationship to Yeshua, Iesous, Jesus the Only Begotten Son of Yehova, the Creator.
Abiding in Christ daily, hourly, minutely as best we can, being earnest in matters, and instead of conforming to the 'church' version of godly life, be a wrestler with God. Have it out with Him as necessary. Many issues in my life have been hammered out in the smytheries of God's furnaces where the dross melts away like butter.
Go there with Him. He has shown me many great and wonderful things and brought that godly contentment, which is great gain!