Mike, I say this truth in love for you brother. Lucid dreaming and transcendental meditation are occult practices which the Living God forbids. Occult practices are an abomination to a Holy God. Please read Deuteronomy chapter 18. Love warns......God warns. Praying for you. True believers in the Lord Jesus Christ fully understand this.
@Godsgirl Would you please elaborate what you are referring to? If it is v11 that is referring to a medium that is trying to contact the dead.
Im referring to the Situation Update from February 5th. Lucid dreaming, transcendental meditation.....all under the umbrella of the occult, hence Deuteronomy chapter 18, which warns us NOT to participate in any abominable practices. I care deeply for Mike ! This IS a very strict warning....not from me....from Almighty God. Mike, I beg of you, STOP. Anyway, my conscience is clear now.
@Godsgirl Lol...I giggled as I read “...my conscience is clear now.” I’ve had a few outbursts in this last year where I knew that what I was saying would not be accepted, but I could not in good conscience refrain from saying it. I love that you love Mike enough to warn him...