This is the beginning of a thread that may take me a while to finish. If you’re still thinking the corruption in our government--or our voting systems--is a Left or Right issue you are mistaken. The more you dig, the more you realize cheating has been rampant in the #Uniparty for decades. Let’s take a little history lesson…Most of you are probably not old enough to remember, but in 2000, George W. Bush was elected President in a remarkably close race, decided ultimately by the Supreme Court following a major controversy over "hanging chads" on punched paper ballots by Sequoia voting systems--later bought by Smartmatic.
In reality, the entire hanging chad fiasco was deliberate and had two purposes:
1. pave way for computerized machines;
2. distract from a much larger problem of a 16,000 vote "glitch" in Volusia County Florida which won Florida for Bush when the Supreme Court stopped the recount
In 2004, Democrats claimed Bush stole Ohio by computerized vote shaving and vote flipping. Sound familiar? Congress had a hearing. The man who wrote the code revealed how it was done in Volusia County FL in 2000 and was likely done in Ohio 2004.
Note the members of Congress . The hearing in 2004 included the lovely
Clint Curtis said that when he first told the Democrat committee members how he did it, their first response was "Why didn't we think of that?" Stay tuned
Sydney Powell