Canada Is Now In The Hands Of Arch-Technocrat And Trilateral Mark Carney
Justin Trudeau appears as a pedestrian slacker in the shadow of a heavyweight globalist like Mark Carney: former governor of the Central Bank in Canada (2008 -2013), former governor of the Bank of England (2013-2020) former member of the Trilateral Commission, former Goldman Sachs managing director, and bigwig with Bilderberg, WEF, United Nations, etc

Justin Trudeau appears as a pedestrian slacker in the shadow of a heavyweight globalist like Mark Carney: former governor of the Central Bank in Canada (2008 -2013), former governor of the Bank of England… Yep the WEF installed another of their parasites.
@GoldieElaine Digial Voting system allows this to happen; and secondly, all parties promote a PM that came from the UNITED NATIONS - YOUNG LEADERS .
The UN ELECTED UNITED NATIONS has always been behind all of this, and behind the UN FRONT there are the wealthy DEATH CULT that requires two things:
Political Power and
Nuclear Power
The world is in danger as long as the world give the control over these two things.
The death cult pretends that their DIGITAL GLOBAL SLAVERY SYSTEM is to protect the planet when the death cult became wealthy from WAR, from TOXIC CHEMICALS, from BIO WEAPONS, from Nuclear energy and Nuclear war, From the DEBT PONZI SCHEME and are currently creating an AI and Digital world so that they can always gain the profit WITHOUT ever being accountable.
Do not fall for the monopoLIES,
Boycott them.