Horrifying new details in death of InfoWars reporter Jamie White… as Alex Jones blames George Soros backed DA

Jamie White's sister Kelly Kneale has shared new information about his brutal murder which took place outside his Austin home on Sunday night.
www.dailymail.co.uk@FiddlefartN https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-14485941/new-details-death-InfoWars-reporter-Jamie-White-murder-alex-jones.html MAYBE I LEFT THE DIRT ROAD SORRY HOPE THIS WORKS IF NOT LET ME KNOW. IT WORKED WHEN I CLICKED ON IT BUT I WENT TO THE SITE AND DID THE DIRT ROAD FOR YOU. forget the caps i realized they were on about 2 words in and said oh heck just keep typing :)

Jamie White's sister Kelly Kneale has shared new information about his brutal murder which took place outside his Austin home on Sunday night.