Wartime refugee looking for work in Texas.
Tip Toe To Tyranny
The one question I would have loved to have heard them ask about mandating the killshot ‘for the good of the community’ was If you’re vaxxed and that vaxx works, why is it deemed necessary for the people who don’t want to take it? Aren’t the vaxxed already protected? Either it works or it doesn’t.
Mr Cardy shouldn’t be allowed in any public office ever again after what he tried to do IMHO. The hospital and medical professionals that held that pregnant woman down,forcing the vaxx on her after dozens of refusals, refusing to even wait for her mother as requested, should be shut down permanently and be held legally and financially accountable for their actions. What they did to her was no different than rape.
Dont forget to thank Donald Trump for getting the vaxx to us so fast thru Operation Warp Speed