I am near 60 in age. I feel we are being attacked. My health is attributed to alternative methods and supplements. I filed and fought in several states court family and civil. I’ve seen many drop dead to an early grave listening to their Dr’s. I found in business corporations are to often conducted contradictory to any decent ethics. And in conflict with the Constitution. Fair is fair and liars are theives. In God We Trust.
I found out Atmos Energy is exempt from the EPA. A valley that stunk to high heaven where a giant housing developement and golf course was going in inspired me to report that stench giving me a headache passing thru that area close to where i resided in Tennessee at the time. The
EPA responded and said rhey have no jurisdiction over Armos Energy! They also informed me who I may call. I called their Texas office and we had a nice conversation about the stinky stuff. I guess they slowed it down at that time after my call. It was at that fill station there in a ravine type valley. I did tell them I’d not want a million dollar home and drive past that stench!
Well, the story thickens. I was well acquainted with a spinal meningitis victim that lived but was over 50 % deaf. And he revealed his niece also got spinal meningitis! I recall quite the epidemic awhile back on that, yet this was way before 10 years ago. Guess what, when the niece got spinal meningitis she was living in the exact same house with the exact same big propane tank stinking up the area that he stayed in when he came down with that killer disease. Ok Wow —Theres some fun facts! Who cares! I laugh helplessly in the ignorance of our situations. With sarcasm!
I hear that! I spent long enough preparing to die. I am prepared as it gets. The odds are against us. Now we have a litany of illegals roaming and funded. The ones mentioned in Agenda 21 I take As I asked my self what illegal aliens. Well here we are. No question Now!