Late in life, I discovered that I have American Indian ancestry. This is very important as regimes crumble. Through intuition, and as an independent researcher-writer, I uncovered proof after proof that among indigenous Americans are the lost Israel who scattered long ago to every continent. As a scholar of religion, I have found an underlying unity in texts of the monotheistic faiths. I am a genuine Hippie-era Hippie. I am a singer-songwriter. I take no followers.
2024 Spring.
Subject: A little history of germophobia.
Wanted - A Beneficent Germ, an item from the Chicago Tribune, was reprinted in the 5 October 1899 Christian Science Sentinel.
Best regards,

It is questionable whether the almost daily scientific announcements as to the habitat of bacteria are an unmixed good or add much to the gayety of mankind. Science, having discovered the pestiferous…