Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on Amazon.com called “Food Forensics“), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics.
Proposal: We need "health freedom zones" in America where people are free to practice medicine, sell herbs, hold events, etc., without FDA interference. Like an FDA no-go zone, where all forms of natural medicine can be practiced, even free from state medical board interference. It would be something like a medical tourism destination for the health-conscious. A state could also declare itself to be a health freedom zone. And people would flock to it for advanced medical treatments and even cancer treatments which are currently disallowed by the FDA or medical boards.
Already exists. A private association is how it is protected by law.
@HealthRanger You will need a way to deal with infiltrators (bad actors) who will come in with tainted material. They will kill people just to use it as an excuse to prove how regulation is necessary.
@HealthRanger We do not say to someone that has murdered a child that we can
"FIX" them, we make them accountable.
We can not split up two murderers, and pretend that they have done no harm and caused no deaths,
nor fix the industries or corporations that were created for them to exist.
With the UNITED NATIONS and DEATH CULT existing we can not
"FIX" anything as the procedure to do this would take more than 4 years and
we would be fighting them on the DEATH CULTS TERMS !!!
In simple terms the fix is to UNDO EVERYTHING THAT THEY HAVE DONE
" What they have done is given themselves immunity and removed accountability "
Or made the cost of their harm profitable.
1. Has to be born in a country in order to rule over it, or control any system in any way.
2.The Punishment must not just match the crime but end anyone else thinking of doing
the crime. If PROFIT was made, by a corporation, then everyone that invested in the corporation
must also be accountable if that corporation has caused harm.
No more being immune, because one scape goat created a corporation for the
so called investors to profit from harm or death.
If someone or their puppets/corporation caused harm, so that they can profit or rape the citizens
from their assets.
Shouldn't the citizens, be able to legally remove the assets from the whole family tree that did it?