Hymn Revival is focused on encouraging, empowering, and waking up the remnant saints of God with the Truth through The Word, Quotes, Dreams, Visions, Revelation, Prophecy, Songs, Videos, and Spiritual Warfare. Sharing the Truth & Love of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.
Charles Finney 1792-1875
"Here is the source of a grand delusion among men in regard to religion. They see it to be true, and they really rejoice in contemplating it: they do not enter into its relations to themselves, and so they love to hear such preaching, and say they are fed by it. But, They go away and do not practice! See that man. He is sick, and his feelings are tender. In view of Christ as a kind and tender Savior, his heart melts, and he feels strong emotions of approbation towards Jesus Christ. Why? For the very same reasons that he would feel strong emotions towards the hero of a romance. But he does not obey Christ.”