Hymn Revival is focused on encouraging, empowering, and waking up the remnant saints of God with the Truth through The Word, Quotes, Dreams, Visions, Revelation, Prophecy, Songs, Videos, and Spiritual Warfare. Sharing the Truth & Love of Jesus Christ with all who will listen.
Jonathan Edwards 1703-1758
If you imagine that you have it in your own power to work yourselves up to repentance, consider, that you must assuredly give up that imagination before you can have repentance wrought in you. If you think yourselves already converted, and that encourages you to give yourselves the greater liberty in sinning, this is a certain sign that you are not converted. Wherefore abandon all these ways of flattering yourselves; no longer follow the devil's bait; and let nothing encourage you to go on in sin; but immediately and henceforth seek God with all your heart, and soul, and strength.