Born and raised in Louisiana, mostly the Deep South. A registered nurse for decades. Presently living in NE Texas in the middle of nowhere which I love most of the time. Interested in almost everything and everyone. Absolutely love animals.
I’ve actually been a member since 2018, I just changed my name which reset my timeline.
Full story: US leaders are pursuing an insane, treacherous, game of global “chicken” with Putin, who commands vastly superior offensive and defensive military weapons

As covered in today's Situation Update podcast (below), US leaders such as US Sen. Lindsey Graham are playing a dangerous game of "chicken" with Russian president Vladimir Putin, seemingly obviously to…
www.naturalnews.com@HealthRanger That’s exactly what this is, an insane game of chicken started by immature bullies, kings of their hills, who’ve never even had a real job. All of their wars have been on paper, their worst injuries paper cuts. Why doesn’t Obiden go to meet Putin in person to handle this? Is he ‘chicken’?