Born and raised in Louisiana, mostly the Deep South. A registered nurse for decades. Presently living in NE Texas in the middle of nowhere which I love most of the time. Interested in almost everything and everyone. Absolutely love animals.
I’ve actually been a member since 2018, I just changed my name which reset my timeline.
Brighteon Broadcast News, Sep 1, 2023 - 61% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck as Biden's economy CRASHES AND BURNS
- Joe Biggs sentenced to 17 years in prison for removing a piece of fence
- #Bidenomics on parade: 61% of Americans now living paycheck to paycheck
- Dollar General reports $100 million in shoplifting losses, plunging revenues
- LA City Council threatens to ARREST Tex. Gov. Abbott for busing illegals to LA
- Please oh God please have unarmed libtards come to #Texas and TRY to arrest our governor! (LOL)
- NYPD announces it will use police drones to SPY on backyard Labor Day parties
- #Cannabis users found to have higher levels of #lead and #cadmium heavy metals in their blood
- Pro-cannabis states seem to have a metals poisoning MENTAL HEALTH problem
- Powerful interview with Maria Zeee from Australia
Speaking of zombies, I refused to watch that Walking Dead show on TV because of the (what I thought were stupid) zombies and now I find myself having to live amongst them. That was another show that somehow seemed to know what was coming.
I’ve never owned a tactical knife like the ones you designed but if I ever bought one it would be the one with the rust colored handle with the holes to turn it into a spear. Those knives are gorgeous. I’d buy one for my husband but he’s bad about losing knives so I don’t buy him expensive ones. Maybe I’ll buy one for me and just say it’s from him for my upcoming birthday.