I poured pads for piers for deck posts last week. Its a treat to mix concrete, i love working with my trowel, its a Marshalltown 33-11
Thats for a family’s new house, their existing deck was under the second floor, so they are extending the deck beyond the house. The existing deck is to receive a glass partition, “a morning sun room” with a larger uncovered deck plus hot tub. I’m still working on a garage, UL752 is expensive, and i’d like to do a diamond terrazzo floor with divorced womens wedding rings and gifts from ex husbands. Without entertaining debt at the current prevailing wage, it’ll be awhile before i break ground. 36T down, and off limit government bunkers, i’m faithful that God defends me without such fortifications. However, i enjoy work, not idolizing tools and brands. It symbolic but not idolized to inform persons of the exact used for success. I’d make my own trowel, if i fabricated idols for legal business practices, i could sell the version. Yet again, lacking a machine shop and diamond inlaid garage, when everyone else has a house, i focus on building mine.