Just an old white Patriot who backyard farms and loves his dog.
Years ago I came across this anonymous comment in response to someone saying they didn’t care about race they cared about immigrants adopting American values. It was so good I saved it and I’m reposting it now.
“Multiculturalism isn't gonna work just because you do it legally. Look at South Africa.
And when you say "become American", what you really mean - even if you don't realize it - is that you want them to act like white people. You want them to be orderly, respect the law, dress a certain way, prioritize family and education, and have disagreements without pulling out a weapon.
But those "American" values didn't really exist among the natives before we got here. And they don't exist among the countries where we get most of our (non-white) immigrants from, exceptional inviduals notwithstanding. And they didn't just fall out of the sky and land on America either. Those values were characteristic of America, because WHITES were characteristic of America, and they were white values going back millennia.
What you really value is white culture. But you're not gonna have that without white people, just like you're not gonna have a flower without its roots. If you care about your culture, then you need to start caring about your race.”