I strongly agree with Dr. Malone, the Stargate Project is a horrible, even SCARY idea - weaponizing AI to customize potentially deadly mRNA injections that can target the genetic code of specific people. After the last five years of Fauci nearly killing us all with biological weapons, how can Larry Ellison be so tone deaf that he pushes Stargate now? Geesh. Read the room, Larry.
@HealthRanger @primozarnvior
According to Jamie Walden, former marine and current pastor, there was a paper written about 50 years ago or so that stated very clearly that the deep state needed to go ahead and start propagandizing people with a whole bunch of woke stuff and then keep increasing it over the years so that eventually people would just be so sick and tired of seeing all the stuff that they would pick the person that they would consider their savior from it so that they could finish off their agenda! AND HERE WE ARE!