70% self supporting ranking (Based on growing my own food, full solar plus portable solar back up generators, water supply - very clean well water through strong filtration system, septic, other backup prepping per Naturalnews.com
Goal is to become 90% relying on trade with others, give excess to those in need.
Saving the #environment, one destroyed tree at a time #Scotland #deforestation #windfarms

In order to save the country from global warming, Scotland just clear-cut 14 million trees to make way for a new "green" energy project comprised of 21 wind turbines. Host of the recent United Nations…
www.naturalnews.com@NaturalNews each large 60-80’ Oak tree in the Midwest drawls up 100-300 gallons of water per day and sends it into the atmosphere generating rainfall to its neighbors. Can’t imagine what would happen to all of us if this continues to happen around the world.