70% self supporting ranking (Based on growing my own food, full solar plus portable solar back up generators, water supply - very clean well water through strong filtration system, septic, other backup prepping per Naturalnews.com
Goal is to become 90% relying on trade with others, give excess to those in need.
Something big is coming! French Prime Minister speaks to his country, 2 fertilizer plants shut down in Poland, fossil fuel energy crisis worsening which is tied to US dollar which also dropped .25 basis points today and gold reserves are seeing massive activity past 2 days plus US crop tours showing USDA way over inflated performances. My crops did awesome though.
The world is going Amish! Hang on for the ride downhill, it’s about to get serious. Protect your families and fortify.

Weeks after being seen cavorting in the south of France on a jet ski, French President Emmanuel Macron warned of an ‘end of abundance’ and ‘carefree time’ in remarks at a cabinet meeting Wednesday. Macron’s…
The Gateway Pundit