70% self supporting ranking (Based on growing my own food, full solar plus portable solar back up generators, water supply - very clean well water through strong filtration system, septic, other backup prepping per Naturalnews.com
Goal is to become 90% relying on trade with others, give excess to those in need.
I know it’s not just what I’ve been experiencing lately. All of you have to be witnessing the same thing. It’s omnivores because of what is currently missing. No hurricanes. No cold fronts sweeping or at least dipping down from Canada. The sun feels 10 hotter than it is on the thermometer and yet we’ve had a lot of cloudy days this summer. Not seeing the jet stream acting normal at all and this is the time of year when the atmosphere in September squeezes moisture out of the colliding north and south air masses yet when looking at NOAA satellite imagery in motion this is resulting in no scientific reaction, not just across North America, the world.
Please share hard evidence pointing to a major shift in trade winds if you have any info.
@Microbebrain They are heating the atmosphere. just checked the H-L pressure distribution across the US and it looks like shit. I agree...the hurricane season is totally out of wack. The storms that do develop seem to now be moving east instead of west. You guess is as good as mine. They are definitely up to no good.
Agreed. It’s hard to believe the lower atmosphere can be so quiet given the temperature ranges from high heat to autumn like weather up north without a collision of cold and heat sparking rainfall.