10 Ways to #DETOXIFY your dirty lungs

Tobacco smoking remains to be the primary driver in lung disease onset. Other factors that contribute to respiratory disease onset include air pollution, occupational chemicals and dusts, and frequent…
www.naturalnews.com@NaturalNews. Good post. But filter your shower water or taking a hot 20 minute shower could fry your lungs instead
I totally agree on buying a water filter for your shower. I bought a Proone water filter about a year ago and what a difference. When you shower without a filter you can actually smell the chemicals in the steam you are breathing. I noticed the difference as soon as the water filter was installed. These chemicals are toxic to your lungs and dangerous on your skin.
@NaturalNews chlorinated water in a hot shower is almost equal to a gas chamber ! one can get UNWELL if showers het too hot and use chlorinated city junk water