A new study published in The Lancet confirms that natural immunity to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) is far superior to the artificial "immunity" generated by the so-called "vaccines." The paper includesβ¦
www.naturalnews.com@NaturalNews now that 80% of America, 90% of Britain, and 95% of Australia is experimentally gene-therapied and filled with self-assembling nano-technology a 'respected' medical journal is willing to admit natural immunity was the better choice!?!
The Protestant nations have just been genocided. The richest and most free nations on Earth have literally been taken out and are being gutted of what is left to fight a war against a Russian Orthodox nation. And our 'fake' president is a Catholic, who by definition must submit to the Pope, left 100 million $$$ worth of military equipment in the hands of radical Muslims, while they rest gets donated to Israeli/Nazis? in Ukraine. Meanwhile internal sabotage and border crossings go unchecked.
The Lancet finally recognizes that natural immunity is superior to toxic injections. Yet the CDC recommends those shots to childhood immunization.
@NaturalNews we are being made war upon and only a few of us even know it, nor do we know WHO our enemy is, nor who is behind WHO.
But God....