I love the smell of truth in the morning…
Situation Update, Nov 3, 2022 - Dollar dominance scheduled for TERMINATION as Saudi Arabia declares CHINA is its priority PARTNER
- Saudi Arabia declares China its "most reliable partner"
- Saudi's MbS is abandoning the petrodollar status in place since 1945
- As petrodollar is terminated, US dollar will collapse
- Treasury will lose ability to keep printing and auctioning dollar debt
- The end of the American empire fast approaches
- Fed raises interest rates another .75%, making loans and mortgages MORE expensive
- 1.3 TRILLION British Pounds wiped out from UK bonds
- UK govt stress-tests simulated week-long POWER OUTAGES
- Power to be rationed across UK households and businesses
- Maersk shipping giant warns of "dark clouds" as shipping demand plummets
- Brain dead White House BRAGS about highest inflation in decades, via social security checks
@HealthRanger this is becoming painful…Dave Daubenmire and you will NOT open your eyes. “[They] have been on an all out assault on Christianity. Let us never forget this friends, it is a battle between the seed of the serpent and the seed of the woman…It is a clear out assault on the children of Christ by the children of the Devil”
GO READ YOUR BIBLE. Jesus EXPLICTLY states that the Pharisees are the “Synagogue of Satan”, and who are the Pharisees, Mike? Modern Jews.
“The devil’s kids seem to be in charge of everything, the education of our children, what we watch on TV, the news media, the government…”
What religious/ethnic group has a WILDLY outsized leadership influence on ALL the above mentioned categories? Do the math Mike.
The synagogue of Satan is influencing our world to destroy Christianity. Why? Because they’ve been doing it since they crucified Christ.
Wake Up Neo!
@NorthwoodsNimrod Hmm...I am thankful we can speak our minds here & although I will truly think about your opinions on this matter...I read my Bible & seek the Lord for wisdom & have not come to your same conclusions.
@Ashortstory Go do some research on the ethnicity of the owners of the largest porn companies, and then go look up how many of the founding Communist Soviet leadership were Jews…Jews are the Children of the Devil (as Jesus stated) and Satan is loose on this earth with his Children fomenting the end of Christian/Western civilization.