God Loving, America loving, freedom loving, and 2A loving~ 31 years in healthcare. My screen name~ I love politics and we are all getting screwed by Biden!
How Hawaii plans to be the first US state to run entirely on clean energy Aug 20, 2018 (World Economic Forum)
To cut the state’s greenhouse gas emissions, the Hawaiian government launched the clean energy initiative in 2008, which pledges to establish new green credentials and aims to use 100% renewable electricity to power the entire state by 2045.
It may have a reputation as an ecological paradise but Hawaii is also one of America’s most fossil fuel-dependent states. This is largely because of its isolated location in the Pacific Ocean – jet fuel accounts for more than half of all transportation fuel consumption in the state, according to the United States Energy Information Administration (EIA).
The state economy depends heavily on tourism and the military, and such is the demand from military installations and commercial airlines that jet fuel makes up a larger share of total petroleum consumption in Hawaii than in any other US state except Alaska.
In a significant move, four mayors from across the state have signed an agreement to run Hawaii’s public transport system using only clean energy by 2045.
Making the announcement aboard a traditional Hawaiian voyaging canoe, Maui mayor Alan Arakawa said: “The goals we are setting today are not only desirable, but attainable, and help send a message that Maui County and Hawaii are open for innovation to help ensure the greater health of our communities and the planet as a whole.”

Hawaii is committed to becoming the first US state to run entirely on clean energy by 2045 and is investing in solar, wind, and other renewable energy technologies.
www.weforum.org@POLITICALPORN1 Me wonders how tourists, food, supplies windows get there.