First Gen Latina
THANK YOU GOD! 2Corinth 7:14 #Trump4547
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Without a Midnite drop of voter fraud in 8-9 States, this is what we’re looking at tonite.
@Patriot_PDkhov - CO should be blacked out since they can’t honestly certify that state now. Hope enough Amish came out in PA to turn that one red too.
@Patriot_PDkhov just got home from working small precinct in rural Michigan. With early voting and today we had nearly 95% voter turn out!
PS Trump won big time
@MistyJet88 thank you for that info. And yes TRUMP WON. HE WON THE PRESIDENCY!!! WHOO HOO Thank you for all your hard work at the polls, it’s because of patriots like you and God’s grace and mercy that we have victory. Hallelujah!