First Gen Latina
THANK YOU GOD! 2Corinth 7:14 #Trump4547
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BREAKING: The Trump Administration is about to cut off federal funding to Planned Parenthood.
Between 2019-2021, Planned Parenthood performed 1.11 million abortions while receiving approximately $1.78 billion in federal funding. This is an average of $592 million every year or over 40% of their revenue. Nobody is fooled: For Planned Parenthood, money is fungible. Federal funds help prop up the murder mills they operate all across America.
American taxpayer dollars must NOT be used to kill innocent unborn babies.
Republicans in Congress spent decades promising to do this, without delivering. Once again, Trump is getting it done.
I’m sure President Trump had planned Parenthood on the “to do list”. Today with the msm ‘Signal’ frenzy, I suppose Trump figured today was a good day.