"Abbott told reporters at a Wednesday briefing that "every source of power the state of Texas has been compromised." That includes renewable wind and solar power, plus power generated by coal or natural gas."
Say what??? Coal 'compromised'?? How? If true that must be the first time coal power has failed in over 100 years! And why hasn't coal failed in other states hit with cold weather?

As millions of Texans endure the third day without power, Governor Greg Abbott says his state may not see temperatures above freezing until Saturday.
www.republicworld.com@PaulK @HealthRanger
The reason is that the plants in Texas were not hardened for very low temperatures as they are in the rest of the country. Oops! They were supposed to be.......
@HealthRanger @Eyeswideopen I remember driving across Texas 30 years ago and seeing signs saying "Snow Route". How is it possible that coal powered plants were built that all freeze up? I just watched a video of Abbot saying the coal plants were "switched off"... why? What is it that actually freezes? I can understand shortages of gas; I get snow covered solar panels but shutting down a coal fired plant... nope, that one beats me.