Chef, dad, freedom lover looking for the truth
Member since Jan 2021
Scott McKay is on Telegram. https://t.me/patriotstreetfightergroupchat
Also posting his past videos on rumble. Tonight's talk that was supposed to be livestreamed on YT, but is just an audio, and is posted on rumble.
Patriotstreetfighter.com or patriotsriseup.com Gmail owns YT, so he could not get on sites from his pc. Everyone is asking him 'What about a VPN, Scott???' Lol. He's on live right now on radio http://revolution.radio/

Telegram: Contact @patriotstreetfightergroupchatt.me
@GreenIsTheNewBlack they took it down already
@Pcal They took down YT, but he is live right now on http://revolution.radio/ studio b and the telegram link I posted. He's archived other places through links I posted, too. He's great!