In the world- Not of it.
An honest question today: How many of those who have pushed HOPIUM over the last two years are just deep state agents who kept urging people to wait, WAIT, WAIT SOME MORE so that they would do nothing while America was completely stolen from us all?
Looks to me like last night's election theft is the final proof that many of the HOPIUM pushers were bad faith actors, and that the doom-and-gloomers have been right all along. Things are going to get way worse before they get better. And anyone claiming we simply have to wait around some more for "white hats" to rescue everything probably need to have a serious reality check.
I didn't see any white hats last night. I saw rigged voting machines in AZ, massive coordinated ballot stuffing in PA, and the corrupt Dems put a brain damaged stroke victim into the United States Senate while "hopium" believers sat around and did nothing.