Freethinker who loves a good debate on anything and everything. Enjoys foreign film, beautiful music; a good crime drama and a great spot to fish.
According to the truthers the Military and Trump knew they were going to steal the election and stood back and allowed them to to catch them committing a crime. Only way to nab them. But this is what we are supposed to believe but with Trump making a statement that because of it they should just probably terminate the Constitution gives one pause and makes me wonder if the real plan was to this from the beginning; an excuse to end our Constitution not nab the bad guys.
Remember most top leaders are either Jesuits or Jesuit trained as well as top Generals in the military. Which means they are more than likely Roman Catholics and their only loyalty is to the POPE(JESUITS) who have wanted the destruction of American since its beginning.
Cancelling the Constitution= Open season on any variety of levels
@ROSEHOON I think he is leading up to a new Republic announcement. I saw a draft of a new Constitution several months back. Besides, the one you are referring to has been gone since about 1871. We have been running on a fake ever since that was tied to the USA, Inc. All that is supposed to be gone now. All the proof for the crimes is just to convince the sheep. Personally I think it was a waste of time but only time will tell.
The original stands since only the states can terminate it or change it. No government has the power or authority to do so since the government itself was put into place by the people. The constitution gives its citizen the power to get rid of or change a non-working government. And it would take a convention of the states and enough votes to do this. The enemies have the masses totally hoodwinked for one because they do not teach anything about the constitution or the country in the schools. No different than what Japan did to Korea by destroying the history of the Koreans and their country. Trump did not have the right or even the authority to alter the Constitution. Since the original still stands the so called made up one by the criminals is null and void from the start.